

Prepare & Send a Campaign Draft

In order to create a draft campaign, perform a POST on the /campaigndraft endpoint.

Required fields are Locale, Sender, SenderEmail, Subject and ContactsListID. In the providers array inside app.php add:


You can manage /campaigndraft resources using the CampaignDraftContract class.

Code sample

use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Contracts\CampaignDraftContract;
use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Model\CampaignDraft;
// ...
public function campaignDraftExample(CampaignDraftContract $campaignDraftManager ) {
    // ...
    $optionalProp['Title'] = 'Friday newsletter';
    $optionalProp['SenderName'] = 'Mailjet team';
    $optionalProp['EditMode'] = 'html2';
    $campaignDraft = new CampaignDraft("en_US", "Lyubo", "api@mailjet.com", "Laravel bundle test", "5410");

Now we've created a draft campaign, we can set its most important property: the content, which can be either plain text or HTML (respectively represented by the Text-part and the Html-part resource's properties).

    $content = ['Html-part' => "Hello <strong>world</strong>!",
        'Text-part' => "Hello world!"];
    $campaignDraftManager->createDetailContent($campaignDraft->getId(), $campaignDraft->getContent());

Once the draft campaign draft is all set, it can now be sent via the CampaignDraftContract.

     /* Send the campaigndraft instance */

Storing & Sending a Template

The /template resource allows to store your template on the Mailjet system. To create a template you only need to provide a name.

You can than reuse the template in your messages by referencing the ID returned when created.

In the providers array inside app.php add:


You can manage /template resources through the TemplateContract.

Create Template Code Sample

use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Contracts\TemplateContract;
use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Model\Template;

// ...
public function templateExample(TemplateContract $templateManager) {
        $optionalProp['Author'] = 'Mailjet team';
        $optionalProp['EditMode'] = 1;
        $optionalProp['Purposes'] = ['transactional'];
        $template = new Template("Laravel Template Example", $optionalProp);

        $ID = $templateManager->create($template)[0]['ID'];

        // Set template content
        $contentData = [
            'Html-part' => "<html><body><p>Hello {{var:name}}</p></body></html>",
            'Text-part' => "Hello {{var:name}}"
        $templateManager->createDetailContent($ID, $contentData);

        // List all templates based on multiple filters

To send the template you must set the Mj-TemplateID property to the template ID to send in your Send API payload.

In addition to that, you must set the Mj-TemplateLanguage property in the Send API payload to true in order to have the Mailjet templating language interpreted.

Send Template Code Sample

    use \Mailjet\Resources;
    use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Facades\Mailjet;
    $mj = Mailjet::getClient();
    $body = [
    'FromEmail' => "pilot@mailjet.com",
    'FromName' => "Mailjet Pilot",
    'Subject' => "Your email flight plan!",
    'MJ-TemplateID' => $ID,
    'MJ-TemplateLanguage' => true,
    'Recipients' => [['Email' => "passenger@mailjet.com"]]
$response =  $mj->post(Resources::$Email, ['body' => $body]);
$response->success() && var_dump($response->getData());

Manage Campaigns

In the providers array inside app.php add:


You can manage the /campaign resources through the CampaignContract.

Code Sample


use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Contracts\CampaignContract;
use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Model\Campaign;
    // ...
public function campaignExample(CampaignContract $campaignManager ) {
        // Retrieve last ten starred campaigns
        $result = $campaignManager->getAllCampaigns($filters);

Update a contact email address

In the providers array inside app.php add:


use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Contracts\ContactsListContract;
use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Model\Contact;

public function changeEmailAddress(ContactsListContract $ContactsListManager, $oldEmail, $newEmail, $listId)
    $contact = new Contact($newEmail);

    $ContactsListManager->updateEmail($listId, $contact,$oldEmail);

Retrieve Mailjet Client instance to perform custom requests

You can retrieve the MailjetClient instance, as defined in the PHP wrapper, using the method getClient(). It enables you to perform custom requests to Mailjet API.

  • In the providers array
'providers' => [
  • In the aliases array

'aliases' => [
    'Mailjet' => Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Facades\Mailjet::class,
To use it, you need to import Mailjet Facade in your file

use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Facades\Mailjet;


    use \Mailjet\Resources;
    use Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Facades\Mailjet;

    $mailjet = Mailjet::getClient();

    // Resources are all located in the Resources class
    $response = $mailjet->get(Resources::$Contact);

      Read the response
    if ($response->success())

    // Send transactional emails (note: prefer using SwiftMailer to send transactionnal emails)

    $body = [
        'FromEmail' => "pilot@mailjet.com",
        'FromName' => "Mailjet Pilot",
        'Subject' => "Your email flight plan!",
        'Text-part' => "Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!",
        'Html-part' => "<h3>Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet!</h3><br />May the delivery force be with you!",
        'Recipients' => [['Email' => "passenger@mailjet.com"]]

    $response = $mailjet->post(Resources::$Email, ['body' => $body]);